Control structures in shell scripting

Control structures in shell scripting

If | Case | For | While | Until

Versión en español: Estructuras de control en shell scripting

Shell scripts execute commands in a sequence similar to other programming languages and control structures can change the order in which these commands are executed.


Conditional structures are those that allow you to execute an action if a certain condition is met. The most common control structure in shell scripting is the if command. This command allows you to evaluate an expression and, if the condition is met, execute a block of commands.


The following is an example of if:


if [ condition ]; then
  Do something
elif [ condition 2 ]; then
  Do something
  Do something
  • The spaces between the condition and the square brackets are required (in bash).

  • An alternative way to construct the conditions is [[ condition ]].

  • The end of the structure is closed with the word fi (if backward).

Multiple operators can be used in conditions such as:


  • [ "abc" \= "abc" ] => If string 1 is exactly equal to string 2 (true).

  • [ "abc" != "abc" ] => If string 1 is not equal to string 2 (false).

  • [[ "abcd" = bc ]] => If string 1 contains string 2 (true).

  • [[ "abe" = "ab**[cd]**" ]] => If the third character of string 1 is c or d (false).

  • [ -z $var ] => If the variable is empty or null.

  • [ -n $var ] => If the string length is not 0.


  • [ 5 -eq 5 ] => If number 1 is equal to number 2 (true).

  • [ 5 -ne 5 ] => If number 1 is not equal to number 2 (false).

  • [ 5 -gt 5 ] => If number 1 is greater than number 2 (false).

  • [ 5 -ge 5 ] => If number 1 is greater than or equal to number 2 (true).

  • [ 5 -lt 5 ] => If number 1 is less than number 2 (false).

  • [ 5 -le 5 ] => If number 1 is less than or equal to number 2 (true).


  • [ -e file ] => If the file exists.

  • [ -f file ] => If it is a regular file.

  • [ -d /dir ] => If the parameter is a directory.

  • [ -s file ] => If the file size is different from 0.

  • [ -r file ] => If the file has read permissions.

  • [ -w file ] => If the file has to write permissions.

  • [ -x file ] => If the file has to execute permissions.


  • [ ! -e file ] => Denies the result.

  • [ condition ] && [ condition ] => Both conditions must be true for the result to be true.

  • [ condition ] || [ condition ] => One of the conditions must be true for the result to be true.


The following is an example of case:


case $choice in
    Do something
    Do something
    Do something
  • The space (or line break) between the parenthesis and the command is required.

  • Each block within the case must be closed with ;; .

  • The closing ;; can be placed at the end of the last command, but as a good practice, it is placed on a new line to aid readability.


Loop structures allow a block of commands to be executed repeatedly until a condition is met. In shell scripting, there are two types of loop structures: for and while.


The following is an example of for:


for variable in lista; do
  Do something
  • The words do and done indicate the start and end of the instruction block.

There are multiple ways to define the list of elements such as:



for number in 1 2 3 4; do
  echo $number
  • It is also possible to use {0..4} to represent the above list.

Files in a directory:


for file in *; do
  echo $file
  • The asterisk (*) is a wildcard signifying all files in the current directory.

Strings of characters:


for string in "Hello" "World"; do
  echo $string

Command output:


for directory in $(ls); do
  echo $directory

It is also possible to write the for loop as follows (similar to other programming languages):


for (( number = 0 ; number <= 4; number++ )); do
  echo $directory


The following is an example of while:


while [ condition ]; do
  Do something

Since the condition is evaluated at each iteration of the loop, if it never becomes false, it will be an infinite loop, to avoid this it is important to make sure that the condition eventually becomes false or use a break statement as seen below:


while true; do
  echo $counter
  if [ $counter -eq 10 ]
  counter=$((counter + 1))

In this example, the "while" loop runs indefinitely with the condition true. At each iteration, the value of counter is printed and then incremented by 1. If the value of counter equals 10, the break statement is executed, which stops the loop.

The break statement is useful in loops to stop loops at a specific time if a certain condition is met. This helps to avoid infinite loops and to improve the efficiency and control of the code.


The following is an example of until:


until [ condition ]; do
  Do something

There may be situations where it is necessary to skip a specific iteration and continue with the next one, this is possible by using the continue statement as shown below:


until [ $counter -eq 10 ]
    counter=$((counter + 1))
    if [ $((counter % 2)) -eq 0 ]
    echo $counter

In this example, we define a counter variable counter initialized to 0. The "until" loop will continue until the value of counter equals 10. At each iteration, the value of counter is increased by 1. Then, it is evaluated whether the remainder of the division of counter by 2 equals 0. If this condition is met, the continue instruction is executed, which skips the current iteration and continues with the next one. If the condition is not met, the value of counter is printed.

As a result, this code will print the odd numbers 1 through 9.

The continue statement is useful in loops to skip a specific iteration if a certain condition is met, without having to exit the loop completely. This helps improve code efficiency and control, and is a good coding practice for writing readable and maintainable code.

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